BY Martin Dunlop | November 11 2011 | 0 COMMENTS

This is our Faith, and future
Publication Date: 2011-11-11
— Rare Papal endorsement a ‘milestone,’ sets tone at launch of new national religious education syllabus
In a ‘milestone’ decision, Pope Benedict XVI has fully endorsed the new national syllabus for religious education in Scotland’s Catholic schools that was officially launched this week.
Cardinal Keith O’Brien, president of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, presented Bishop Joseph Devine, president of the Catholic Education Commission, with the Decree of Recognitio at the launch of This Is Our Faith on Monday at Edinburgh’s Gillis Centre in the presence of the Scottish Catholic hierarchy and invited guests.
Rare achievement
The blessing of the Apostolic See for the new syllabus is a highly significant and rare achievement—especially for an English language syllabus—a ‘milestone’ that, as Cardinal Keith O’Brien noted ‘has attracted some considerable interest from other countries.’
“Speaking on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, I can express delight that we have reached this great milestone in Scottish Catholic education,” Cardinal O’Brien said. “I believe that the publication of This Is Our Faith is itself a sign of great hope for the future of religious education and for the Faith development of young people in our country.”
The cardinal added that the new syllabus would, in some ways, be ‘the envy of non-denominational schools.’
In accepting the Decree of Recognitio, Bishop Devine paid tribute to all those involved in the production of This Is Our Faith, with the origins of the document dating back to the eleventh Catholic Education Commission in 2004. Its work was later developed in conjunction with the implementation of the new Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland.
The role of Bishop Philip Tartaglia, as a ‘dogmatic theologian,’ in providing numerous stringent checks on the new syllabus before it was sent to Rome, was also highlighted.
“My hope is that, in the learning experience supported through This Is Our Faith, it will help young people all over the country to grow closer to God,” Bishop Devine said. He added that the text will provide the basis for RE teaching in Scottish Catholic schools ‘for decades to come.’
Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow told the educators gathered on Monday: “Each of us now has this guide to help in our teaching.”
The archbishop acknowledged that the guide was not to be used ‘in a slavish manner.’ Instead, he suggested that teachers use ‘their own intelligence, wisdom and experience in order to open it up to young people.’
Proud moment
The launch of This Is Our Faith was a proud moment for Michael McGrath, director of the Scottish Catholic Education Service, whose team has been instrumental in the document’s production.
“It was delightful to welcome so many guests from across Scotland to the national launch of This Is Our Faith,” Mr McGrath said. “The presence of representatives of the major educational organisations in Scotland paid testimony to the partnerships which support Catholic education in Scotland. I am grateful to all those who have contributed to the development of this major new document and I pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire parents, teachers, catechists and clergy as they use This Is Our Faith to form young people in Faith.”
Mr McGrath noted that Catholic education is ‘founded on a partnership between Church and state’ and read out a message of congratulations sent by First Minister Alex Salmond, who highlighted the contribution Catholic schools make to Scottish life.
“I congratulate you on the launch of This Is Our Faith and I am delighted that it has been awarded the status of Recognitio by the Holy See,” Mr Salmond said. “This achievement will further enhance the work you do to help young people better understand their Faith and to become successful learners and confident individuals.”
New syllabus
This Is Our Faith, the Catholic Church’s official guidance, now governs the teaching of religious education to young people from P1 to S3 in all Catholic schools in Scotland.
The document aims to ensure young people in all Catholic schools and parishes can: develop their knowledge and understanding of Catholic Faith, nurture respect for other Christian traditions and world faiths, experience opportunities for spiritual growth, acquire the skills of reflection, discernment and moral decision-making and commit to beliefs, values and actions in a positive response to God’s invitation to Faith.
Drawing on the words of Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to the UK last year, Cardinal O’Brien said This Is Our Faith will help teachers, parents and clergy, to ‘form new generations not only in knowledge of the Faith but in every aspect of what it means to live as mature and responsible citizens in today’s world.’
At Monday’s launch, two pupils from Edinburgh’s St Augustine’s High School spoke about their involvement in the Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Awards, a title which, Cardinal O’Brien noted, also recently received official acceptance from the Holy See.
The awards’ programme is intended to give public recognition to the achievements of young people, in their final year at school, who have demonstrated that their religious beliefs and values have influenced their commitments and actions in service of others, particularly within their parish and local faith communities.
Pic: Paul McSherry