August 9 | 0 COMMENTS

Meet the young people giving a voice to the unborn via Project Truth
The young pro-lifers will positively engage with strangers in the street and aim to change hearts and minds over a subject that is not just 'a political or women's issue' but is in fact about unique human lives, which are under threat in the place they should be safest.
Project Truth, a programme of SPUC Scotland, is a unique youth-led initiative that travels across Scottish towns and cities, taking the pro-life message to the streets.
Our initiative is all factual and focuses on the development of the child in the womb before 10 weeks gestation, because this is when most abortions take place in Scotland. The slogan we are using is: “For some of us, 10 weeks is a lifetime.”
All of the young people involved with this project are already active in the pro-life field. Each of us believe in the dignity of every human life from the moment of conception, and feel called to stand up in defence of each life that is threatened in the womb. We are all aware of the need for a pro-life revolution like never before.
Project Truth aims to break the silence, to bring the facts to the streets, to engage in positive discussions with passers by in the hope that hearts and minds will be changed because the reality is that we are not just talking about ‘an issue’—we are talking about unique human lives, lives that are under threat in the place they should be safest.
You can follow the Project Truth Roadshow on Facebook at:
Here are the stories of Project Youth’s young people making a difference:
“I study Illustration beside the seaside! Drawing and painting is my favourite medium to use so far, and I’m enjoying the creative writing part of illustration as well, plunging the characters I design into adventures!
“It’s my third time on the Roadshow this year, and one of the things that makes me proud to be a member of Project Truth is the positive, energetic atmosphere it creates.
“We’re just normal, everyday young people who genuinely want to save women and their children. That is something that really shines through when we’re out.
“We’ve seen the harm abortion has done to our society, and we’re armed with the earnest desire to reach out and help!
“I think it’s easy to be pressured into the mindset that we’re the enemies of women, and that we’re just a small number who should keep silent.
“But Project Truth proves that just isn’t true. We’re friendly, we’re enthusiastic, and we want to save lives.”
“I am 18 years old and currently studying Maths and Physics at Strathclyde University.
“Before I got involved in the pro-life movement I had always felt that abortion was morally wrong in all cases although I never fully realised how unpopular this view was until about a year or two ago.
“Pro-life views were always met with baseless personal attacks and accusations. I knew I had to get involved and defend pro-life views somehow.
“I joined Strathclyde Students for Life, and attended the SPUC Youth Conference 2019 and 40 Days for Life.
“Despite it being a minority view (especially on campus), pro-life ideas can and will be defended. Simply getting involved makes defending them easier.”
“I’m from Belfast and in my fourth year of studying Medicine. I’m the president of the Queens University Belfast Pro-Life Society and I help run pro-life talks, outreach sessions and movie nights.
“I also help out with outreach street sessions with Youth for Life in Belfast, and worked for Save the 8th on the streets in Dublin before the referendum in 2018.
“I’m looking forward to joining Project Truth and to travelling around Scotland to speak the truth about abortion.
“It will be interesting to see how the public will react to a pro-life outreach session on the streets of a country with over 50 years of legalised abortion.
“I’m pro-life because I believe that every human life is irreplaceable, unrepeatable and of more value than any of us could ever comprehend; and it always has been—ever since that split second when we were conceived, no exceptions.”
“Up until a few years ago I had no opinion on the abortion debate, but then my eyes were opened to the horrors of abortion and how it’s the exact opposite of women’s rights.
“I went with SPUC Scotland on a trip to the March for Life in Washington DC—the initial draw was going on a big trip to America!
“However, I learned so much more on this trip than I ever thought I would, which changed my mindset completely and I knew I had to do more within the pro-life movement.
“Since then I have been an active member of the movement and I’ve even given pro-life talks in schools and at youth groups—something I never thought I would be doing.
“I am so thrilled to be a part of the Project Truth team to have fruitful discussions with others regarding the issue. I am super excited to be taking part with other young people to build a pro-life future.”
“I’m 18 and I love all animals, especially horses. People are pretty cool too.
“Over the past few years I have come to realise the amount of lies that society is feeding this generation about abortion. People are so vastly uninformed about the issue of abortion, which I believe is the reason why so many people are in that lukewarm area of ‘indifference.’
“For a movement that is so focused on choice, there appears to be very little, because how can you choose if you don’t know the truth?
“Everyone deserves the truth and I am so excited for the Roadshow—to be able to spread the truth and hopefully change some minds and hearts.
“I can’t wait for such an amazing experience with a group of incredible people.”
“I’m 18 years old and ready to start studying a Law degree in September.
“This will be my first time taking part in the Roadshow, but hopefully not my last. Having gone through secondary school and college, I’ve witnessed how relativism has gained ground among many young people, as so few are paying attention to moral truths.
“Being surrounded by students who are indifferent to the plight of the unborn compelled me to deepen my commitment to the pro-life cause.
“My effort to change people’s hearts and minds toward the appeal of the unborn only increased as I became more proud to defend equality, justice and the most basic human right—the right to life.
“I believe pure logic, biology and compassion for women defeats abortion.
“The recognition of how abortion is degrading women in society, is leading to a lack of responsibility and strength in men, and is threatening the lives of the unborn innocent, has led me to want to work against the horrific abortion law.
“The pro-life movement needs people with powerful minds, people who truly believe in change.
“Without hope, slavery would never have been abolished. Without fighting, black civil rights would never have been achieved.
“I strongly believe in the importance of preserving a culture of life and it is this hope that will see the end to abortion.”
“Having been pro-life since I first discovered the meaning of the word ‘abortion,’ I am delighted to finally join the Project Truth Roadshow!
“My increased understanding of the pro-life philosophy over the last few years has been accompanied by increasing dissatisfaction with the lack of philosophically-sound responses from ‘pro-choicers.’
“I have encountered both at school and university. As a member of Glasgow Students for Life since its inception, I have also experienced first-hand the dire lack of debate and education among young people on this most important of issues, with our own student representative council attempting to deny us affiliation before they were faced with the prospect of legal action.
“In educational institutions nowadays it can often be difficult to encounter anything more substantial than the robotic repetition of those phrases we all know: ‘my body, my choice.’
“It is this dissatisfaction which has spurred me on to join the Project Truth. It is my hope that by having discussions with people, we will change hearts and minds and contribute towards the creation of a society that cherishes life.”
“As SPUC Scotland’s director for education and outreach I love empowering students with pro-life reasoning while showing them a glimpse at how unique each human life is.
“At school and university I was pro-choice in certain circumstances but then I had a pro-life person challenge my world-view.
“I believed in abortion in the case of rape but then I met Pam Stenzel who was conceived in rape and she asked me: “Why do I deserve the death penalty because of my father’s crime?”
“It was then I actually saw the unborn as a fellow human being; a person with a plan and a destiny and it was never OK to deliberately end their life through abortion.
“I now have the amazing pleasure of spreading the pro-life message in schools, universities and on the streets in a gentle, attractive and fun way.
“I have a wide range of presentations and workshops tailored to propose the culture of life to our future generation.
“These teachings can be a lot to take in when you hear them for the first time, but I have seen how well youth respond to truth.
“As a Befriender with ARCH (Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline), I have heard first-hand how abortion can hurt women.
“I’ve heard this also through numerous conversations out on the streets with Project Truth, as a single abortion affects so many people.
“I truly believe Project Truth enables young people to stand for the most vulnerable humans in our society: the unborn.
“It’s like an abortion first aid tent on the streets empowering women to choose life while at the same time compassionately pointing those affected by an abortion decision to ARCH. There is no better job in the world.”
“I’m 22. After graduating from Glasgow University, I decided to complete a postgraduate diploma in education and have just qualified as a biology teacher.
“I’m looking forward to beginning my career this month where I hope to inspire a new generation of young scientists.
“I firmly believe in standing up for the most vulnerable people in society. There is no one more vulnerable than the unborn child, which is why I decided to join Project Truth for the first time.
“I feel passionately about the pro-life cause and often feel isolated in a society which advocates a death culture. I am looking forward to meeting lots of like-minded young people.
“I hope to help educate the public about the incompatibility of pro-choice arguments with scientific facts.
“There is a serious lack of education among the public, on the dangerous consequences of abortion.”
“I am lover of life of all shapes and sizes from ants to dogs and everything inbetween, but my humans are my favourite.
“I am hoping to study at veterinary medicine because of my love of life.
“I started in the pro-life movement because I got into a debate in a school RE class that I was ill-prepared for.
“I suffered a humiliating defeat as I could not express myself well. So, I went home, bought books on pro-life apologetics and learned them so that if the topic ever came up again, I would be well prepared. I came to understand the battle that we needed to face on behalf of the unborn.
“The reason I’m doing Project Truth this year is that ‘the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’
“It is everyone’s duty to protect the weak and innocent. This is a calling I take seriously.”
“I stay in Fife and currently work for the Scottish Government. In my spare time I like to follow my dream of becoming American commentator Ben Shapiro, and verbally jousting with strangers on the internet.
“This is my first year of doing Project Truth and I am looking forward to exploring the compassionate side of the pro-life community.
“I like to debate from a statistical perspective, but I know that Project Truth will teach me to become more empathetic to those who sit on the other side of the fence.
“I am pro-life because humanity will never find out the potential of what we have destroyed. Someone with a cure for cancer or the next Plato? But we will never know…”
“My name is Thomas and I am a graduate of the Academy of Contemporary Music. I love music and have been crafting away at it for the last few years, however another passion of mine is the pro-life cause.
“I believe that abortion not only strips humans of their basic right to life, but also harms women and mothers, not only physically but mentally as well.
“I believe that the family unit is collapsing in today’s society because of this terrible injustice and I would like to do all I can to help turn that around.”
“I’m from Dundee (the finest city in Scotland) and I’m about to go into my final year of university studying Community Education.
“This will be my 4th year doing Project Truth. To be honest, I almost didn’t sign up this year due to busyness over the summer, but scrolling through social media recently I realised how important it was to find time to do the Roadshow.
“The issue of abortion seems to be coming up more than ever in light of some recent political decisions.
“It’s easy to get into debates with people on social media but in my opinion it can often be unproductive, which is why I like the chance to have face to face conversations.”
“I’m 18 years old and I’m from the Republic of Ireland. In my spare time I enjoy travelling, horse riding and hiking.
“Last year the Irish Government put a referendum to the people to change the constitution so that abortion could be made legal in Ireland.
“I was involved in distributing pro-life leaflets and helped my parents in pro-life work. May 25, 2018 is the saddest day in Irish history, almost 70 per cent of the population voted in favour of abortion.
“The Irish referendum on abortion really opened my eyes and made me even more determined to fight for the right to life.
“By joining the team this year I’m hoping to change some hearts and minds. In this day and age, we need every pro-lifer to stand out proudly and be a voice for the voiceless.”
“I’m 25 years old and I’ve just completed my law degree at Strathclyde University. I’ve been involved in the pro-life movement for the past three years.
“Last year, I joined SPUC on their annual trip to Washington DC for the March for Life. It was great to witness so many people (young and old) come together to defend the unborn.
“I am really excited to be part of the Project Truth team this year. Many of my friends have been involved in the Roadshow in previous years and gained so much by spreading the pro-life message with the people they encounter.
“I’m pro-life because an unborn child is not just a ‘clump of cells’ but a human being with rights. By joining the Roadshow, I hope to spread the pro-life message with as many people as possible.”
“I am about to go into my last year of my Painting degree in Aberdeen and this will be my third time doing Project Truth.
“I have always been pro-life but never wanted to get involved when I was younger.
“When I was in my last year of high school, I became very interested in politics which led me to seeing the truth about abortion and the abortion industry.
“I couldn’t stand by and be silent as our society kills the innocent and hurts women. I had to speak the truth, revealing the lies told by the abortion industry.
“Every year on Project Truth there are different conversations with the public and every year has been a great experience.
“I love being part of a vibrant, young team who strive to help women.”