August 3 | 0 COMMENTS

On the road again for pro-life cause: Project Truth is set to spread the message far and wide
Pro-life young people explain why they will be hitting the Scottish streets in a bid to transform society into a culture of life – and to offer support to anyone affected by an abortion experience
This August 25, pro-life youths are set to hit the Scottish streets as part of the annual Project Truth Roadshow. Touring Scotland for five days, the Project Truth team are set to deliver the pro-life message to different towns and cities each day.
Through information stalls, Project Truth aims to provide the honest facts surrounding abortion but to also offer support for anyone negatively affected by an abortion experience or in a crisis pregnancy.
The 2018 Project Truth team are armed this year with fresh motivation to transform society into a culture of life.
This year’s roadshow will take place between August 5 and 10. If you would like to support Project Truth on their journey one of the ways in which you can donate is at the teams Go Fund Me page at:
You can follow the Project Truth Roadshow on Facebook at:
Otherwise look out for the blue hoodies at a town or city near you.
Hi, my name is Padrig and I’m a 20-year-old student from Glasgow. In light of the decision by the Irish Government to repeal the Eighth Amendment—which removes the unborn child of its right to life—promoting scientific evidence that supports the validity of that right is crucial. 90The need to spread this message of truth to a younger generation is particularly important. They are the lawmakers of the future. Our mission starts with them. Project Truth is doing a great job of bringing the youth together to share a journey while spreading the pro-life message.
Grace B
I’m Grace. I’m 21 and from Glasgow. I’m thrilled that this will be my second year attending Project Truth. Project Truth is an encouraging reminder that the battle between life and death is not lost. It shows us that there is a generation of youth still willing to stand and fight for life until the injustice that is abortion is defeated. To deliberately end an innocent life is unjustifiable; abortion cannot be defended. Any sense of inner morals or ethics should make us ashamed that we as a ‘civilised’ society butcher our children and hide the violent reality beneath snappy slogans such as ‘my body my choice.’ Society’s attempt to normalise this injustice has invoked the ambition within me to join Project Truth.
I’m Louise, I’m director of youth development at SPUC Scotland and I’ve been running Project Truth for the past three years. This year marks a special milestone for Project Truth as it will be the fifth anniversary of our roadshow! Project Truth is a fantastic platform which allows young people to get involved with the pro-life movement. What can be perceived as a hostile environment suddenly changes into an environment which is full of joy and fun! Last year, I was moved at the amount of post-abortive women who opened about their experiences. Most had never heard of ARCH (Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline). It was a privilege to tell them about an organisation who would provide a listening ear or counselling. I’m buzzing to get out onto the streets once more and continue to build a culture of life with a great group of inspiring young people.
I’m Orlagh. I’m 19 and studying chemical engineering. Having been a part of the pro-life movement at school, it was a shock starting uni and seeing not only the lack of culture of life on campus but also the lack of acceptance of the pro-life movement.
That’s why I want to be a part of Project Truth this year. Not only will it give me the opportunity to meet like-minded young people but it also allows me to talk to the public about the importance of the pro-life movement.
My name’s Becky and this will be my fourth roadshow! I had a conversation last year that has stuck with me. This woman approached the stall—she was drawn towards our life-sized foetal models—and after looking she broke down in tears and told me she had an abortion years ago, but she would never have gone through with it if she knew how developed her unborn child was. But she was not told. She was not offered other options. Society is telling women they need abortion to be liberated when it’s the opposite, it’s leaving women broken. In a world that claims to value equality, I think it’s such an important time to be out showing the humanity of the unborn.
I’m Catherine. I’m a chemistry student and a proud Paisley resident. I first became involved in the pro-life movement because of my mum who has MS. She is a daily reminder that life is precious and can be lived to the full no matter your circumstances. Seriously: she has three tattoos, she’s definitely living life to the full! My mum is an inspiration and a constant supply of joy. I’m looking forward to taking part in this year’s roadshow, it’s always such a wonderful experience!
My name is Henry. I am studying classics at the University of Glasgow. I’m pro-life because simply I believe that everyone has the right to live—not just the fortunate, planned, or perfect. The killing of unborn children is the greatest human rights violation of my generation, but I believe that through prayer and education, we can bring about a culture of life and end abortion.
Hannah O
My name is Hannah and I’m a pharmacy student. I am really looking forward to being on Project Truth again this year. I have learned over the past years that the most important work of the pro-life movement is simply to speak on the issue of abortion and knowing how to help women. In a world where pro-life people are being increasingly censored it is massively important that I add my voice to this debate.
Hannah P
I’m Hannah! I’m 20 and I’m a painting student at Grays School of Art. As abortion is one of the greatest horrors and cover ups of our time, being part of the pro-life movement with my friends is the greatest privilege. I first met SPUC last year when I reached out to join Project Truth. It was such an amazing experience being able to share the life of the unborn and help women in need. I can’t wait to be part of Project Truth again this year. Abortion kills one and hurts another—women deserve better. By doing Project Truth I hope to help women and share the alternatives to abortion and the value of life.
My name is Matthew. I’m 20 and studying engineering at Glasgow University. This year I’m excited to be taking part in my first full Project Truth Roadshow. In university it can feel like you’re the only pro-life student, with most others hostile to the pro-life message. That’s why it’s really great to be involved in Project Truth—to show people that there are still pro-life young people who are ready to go into the streets and get people to talk and think about abortion.
I’m Rosie. I’m a nurse who works for the NHS in Glasgow. I’ve always been pro-life and as a nurse I’m passionate about the recognition of each human as someone who has the right to be born free and equal in dignity. I’m joining Project Truth this year because I want to share the truths of the pro-life message with the public. I hope that, in doing Project Truth, its friendly ways of communicating will allow opportunities to change perspectives and save lives. I care about the unborn and their families, that they have the possibility to make informed autonomous choices that allow all lives to be protected.
Hi! I’m Declan, a 22-year-old student studying philosophy at Glasgow University. Apart from that, I like playing football and pool. Despite several years of practice, I still haven’t learned to take a loss in Fifa like a man, but I still really enjoy a tournament night on the PS4! I’m taking part in Project Truth again this year because I had an amazing experience last year. Getting out and about and chatting to folk about the right to life is one of the best things I’ve done. I feel this year more than ever it’s important to get people thinking about this issue again—and that’s what I hope to do!
Hello! My name is Nadine. I’m 20 and a medical student. I’m also a member of the Glasgow Students for Life Society, which has proven the difficulties pro-lifers face on campus. I think Project Truth is a great way to show people that their views are still valid, so that those who feel silenced know that there is no louder truth than the humanity of the unborn. This is my first time as a member of the Project Truth Roadshow, so I’m really excited to be a part of such an experience!
Grace D
Hi, my name’s Grace, I’m 19 and studying history at Glasgow University. This year I have been involved in the Glasgow University Students for Life Society. While it is a challenging endeavour, we’re excited to change students’ attitude towards abortion—the most important topic of this generation! I’m excited to be part of this year’s Project Truth team and spreading the truth about the humanity of babies in the womb. If we can show people the truth about life and how it should be protected then we can move towards a world where every person is cherished for their intrinsic value.