March 27 | 0 COMMENTS

Milestone in sight
MAGNUS MacFARLANE-BARROW, founder and chief executive of MARY’S MEALS, explains how the charity is closing in on the milestone of providing one million children worldwide with a daily meal
At a school assembly in Haiti, a handsome young man named Jimmy, clutching his guitar, asked the captivated audience a question: “Feeding one million children every single day—do you think such a thing is possible?”
Jimmy had just heard the good news that Mary’s Meals is now providing 989,791 impoverished children with a nutritious meal every day they attend school, and couldn’t hide his excitement that our million milestone is in sight.
Quietly strumming his guitar and with real emotion in his voice, 26-year-old Jimmy continued: “Mary’s Meals, you have saved my life! You fed me every day and now, look, I am living and I am working. You have given me hope.”
I first met Jimmy just after the horrific earthquake here in 2010. He told me about his life growing up in Cité Soleil, perhaps the world’s most notorious slum, and explained he could never have attended school without the support of Mary’s Meals.
Jimmy took me to see his family home, a depressing spectacle made of rusting tin, situated right in the heart of this poverty-ridden place, amidst the rubbish, and the sewage and the violence.
He told me of his burning desire to help build a new future for Haiti and his hope that one day his people would no longer be dependent on aid. In the years since that first meeting, I have never forgotten Jimmy. He is one of the most inspiring people I have met and it’s a wonderful thing today to see him working for our partner organisation here in Cité Soleil.
It’s hard to imagine a more difficult and more dangerous place to work. Last December alone, several people working for our partner organisation lost their lives as a result of the terrible gang violence. And yet, with great courage, they go on running the schools in which we serve our meals.
Children with bare feet and distended stomachs, naked or dressed in rags, splash through putrid pools of water in the alleyways which surround each school. The fight against hunger here never lets up and—though Mary’s Meals is now feeding nearly 30,000 children in Haiti each and every school day—it’s a battle the children of Cité Soleil all too often lose.
Imploring his audience of schoolchildren once more, Jimmy shouted: “Feeding one million children—is such a thing possible?” Before they could answer, Jimmy began strumming his guitar enthusiastically and started singing a song he has written called It’s possible. The school pupils love it and they are soon joining in with Jimmy on the chorus.
The words ‘It’s possible’ rang out again and again in the packed hall—first in English, followed by French, Spanish and Creole. It was an assembly filled with joy and hope. I couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed by their youthful talent and confidence. These are young people who are going to change things. These are young people who can teach us all something.
And as Mary’s Meals strives to reach that ‘First Million’ landmark—feeding more hungry children across Haiti, Malawi, India, Liberia, Zambia, Kenya and elsewhere—I am certain there is no-one who believes in and understands this mission more than the pupils in this assembly hall.
These young people know first-hand that this work of ours really does save lives and change lives. And they want to thank you over and over for each meal you have given them —each one a gift which brings their dream a little closer, each one a gift which allows them to sing their song a little more boldly.
—For more information, please visit: